Sunday, February 5, 2012


Life is complicated, hard to understand and comprehend. Takes a second to flip from one side to another. We go through many upturns, which at times make no sense at all.

From being happy, to sad, to angry, to confused and what not.
Life takes us at huge upheavals, turning everything upside down. What should one do then? There comes one point when one just wants to kill everyone.. when one just hates everything. What to do then?

Life gets really dark and tough. Everything seems as if its falling apart. When you feel hopeless and helpless. When you have no where to go, no one to run to, no one to talk to, no one to confide in.

Hello, world.

This is where I am living in. In a world full of people.. people who would hug me, love me, and smile at me. I look at them and wonder, how can everything be so perfect? But when I turn away, these people.. these very people would act as strangers.

This is where YOU all are living in.

Family, Friends.. these relationships will never last. Talk about hoping for relationships lasting for eternity, because lets face it, they never do.
People of this world are selfish and cruel. They will laugh at you, make fun of you and crush you down. They will break you, do everything to hurt you.

My feelings are empty. My emotions are confused. All my life, all I've ever done is try to be a good person to everyone. Is it wrong to expect them to do the same for me?

Haha, maybe I expect way too much.

I dont want it to be the way it is. I want it different. I want it good. I have nowhere to go, no one to run to, BUT THEY ALL DO. Not complaining. Not complaining.

The moment i'm going through is when I want all faces away from me. I want to be in solitude but I dont like being in solitude.
I want it all, and I want it good. I want to be selfish too, this is MY life and I want to be happy.

How would you like living in a moment when you suddenly realize how much you've lost? People say be grateful for what you have. Fine. But is it wrong to just feel bad about what you've lost?
I dont want to be grateful for what I have, cause I dont have anything that has made me happy, or made me smile.

People around me are fake. Everything they say to me is a lie. People I've met are wrong. All they do is hurt me.
Im not going to sit in a corner and cry about it. Know why? Cause why cry for those who dont deserve it.

Since I have nothing to lose anymore, I'll sit down and look at this world play its selfish acts.