Yeah. WOOHOO. Made it to the highest achievers list. Should I call it a dream come true? Well, maybe.
According to me I don't really have that an awe-inspiring result in my Olevels, but whatever it is, am thankful for it. 3A*s 4As and 2Bs.
Satisfying much.
Result day was two days back, the most dreaded day EVER. The feelings are a bit complexed because as much as everybody was curious to know their results, they were scared as well, thinking they might've screwed up their Olevels. I was pretty chill until 12 hours before the day itself, and thats when I broke up into tears. I didnt show my frustration to my friends that much because they were themselves so stressed out thinking they'd end up with 'D's' or 'U's' and all the worst possible grades.
When the day arrived itself, heartbeats grew faster and so did tention. I told all my bestfriends to let me know their results. I was awake the whole night, excitement and adrenaline rushed deep inside! Outside I was quite, but inside I was screaming out for help, to end this nightmare, and to quickly get over this phase.
The first message I got was from a friend, and also my student who I taught Islamiyat. 7 am and a good news arises with a friend getting 4A*s and 5As. WOW! Called him up. Never had I been so proud of him then that day. I was so exhaulted and happy for him!
Gradually more good news came in. Even the friend who expected straight Us managed to get good grades. I congratulated each and every one of them. Never had I been proud of them all.
The point was that I was happy. For my friends. YES I WAS.
Few hours later I got to know mine as well. I was a bit down, because I hadnt expected to get a B and that too in Economics. Oh well. Thats just the way it was meant to be.
Came home, was a bit low. Called up dad. Told him my result.
His reaction was so different than from what I had expected. Well I knew he would be happy, but THAT happy? Whoa.
My facebook wall was flooded with congratualtions, status had a gazillion likes and then the 'congratulations' never ended. People congratulated me over chat, text messages, calls and what not. Yea yea, 7As wow.
I still expected more from me. Not just 7As.
I was still upset.. The next day, today, I wokeup with a call from a friend screaming out congratulations and yelling how she had seen my name on the newspaper.
Newspaper? What? MY NAME?
I wokeup with a sudden shock and gasped and started jumping in excitement. Yeah, I was in the high achievers list. AWESOME!
I couldnt have been more happy in my life then this day. Today was this day.
Obviously I had to flaunt about it, so put a status on facebook. ;)
Even my mum put up a status saying how proud she was of me.
I logged on msn and started telling all my closest friends (of who's result I was proud of too) but the reaction I got was a simple, 'yeah, so?' 'big deal' and a ':|'.
Im not complaining here. I dont even need to. I know it shouldn't matter to me what others think, but those people aren't just 'others'. When it was my turn, I was really happy for them. But when its the same for those guys, they're just 'okay' about it. This extremely put me down. Yet again, I got upset. Its just that sometimes I expect too much from people, and in return get disappointed. Well.. whatever. It doesnt matter. Dont be nice to me, I wont be nice to you. Hmph.

Oh yeah I'm getting a new laptop as a reward. OH YEAH!
Cya guys with another post soon. ;)