It was pretty awkward when I first stepped in Gul Hassan Lashari School. Since it was my first day, I had no idea where to go and what to do. I am not really a shy person, but my first day at Summer School was a bit weird. Because a, I didn’t know anyone over there and b, I had no idea what I had to do.

So… yeah. I was a teacher at the school. I had NO idea that one day I would be teaching kids. It is not easy teaching kids, alright? Even I didn’t know I would be able to control them. Every day, exactly 9 we used to reach the premises. Every morning looking at all those bright faces used to give each and every one of us a wonderful feeling. No matter how tiring the job was, no matter how much hard work had to be put in, in the end of the day we all knew it was worth it. Entering the classes and hearing the kids greet you and refer you as ‘Miss’ or ‘Sir’ gave an exalting feeling itself. I was never an obedient student back in my school days, always used to bug my teachers and ran around the class. Getting to have a class like this was a lesson for me. It was like déjà vu. It took me quite some time to understand the kids psyche. All they needed was proper attention, and a friendly atmosphere which wasn’t being properly provided to them at their own schools. Such is the case of nearly every government school in Pakistan where teachers take up money without giving in any effort for the school in return. I remember teaching in 2B (which by the way was the BEST class) and I was telling them the correct pronunciation of parrot. They read it as ‘pay-roat’ or something like that. For continuous 10 minutes I made them pronounce the word repetitively until they said it right. It was one of their teachers who had taught them this pronunciation. In the first few days of school, a group of four kids had constantly been a trouble. Never concentrated, never studied and barely ever cared for what was going around in class. Zahir, Fahim, Ahmed and Wajid. Fahim and Ahmed being the naughtiest ones, while Wajid and Zahir being weak in studies. Me and 2 other co teachers worked hard on these four kids, and the change that came in them was incredible. Yesterday was the last day of school and looking at them made me so proud of myself. I had brought a change, maybe not to a large group, but at least to a few. These four kids had not only improved academically but there was a change in their behavior as well. I asked Zahir that day that what had he learnt throughout the month, and his reply was, ‘To respect.’
The main aim of summer school, was for us students reach out to these kids and provide them with education in the right means. None of us worked for the certificate, or money or any such sort of thing. We could’ve easily sat at our homes in air conditioned rooms, but no we didn’t. There were many alternatives but everyone of us chose THIS. Realizing our responsibility to the under privileged all of us availed this chance and made the best out of it. This is exactly what every citizen of this country needs to do right now. To realize all the sufferings of the poor and to find solutions to their problems, that would ultimately solve our country’s problems. The normal practice in government schools is nothing but a waste of money and time, which could be utilized in the most efficient ways but is not. If people amongst us don’t look around and search for these problems, then how would solutions be found? How do we expect a change in this country, when all of us act selfish? This country is our responsibility and by finding and availing opportunities like this summer school, a big impact could be brought!

(TSKL is a branch of registered NGO, “House Of Dreams”, started by the students of Nixor College and an initiative that aims to educate as many Pakistanis as possible.)
I was assigned 1B that day. What a smashing day it was. Like LITERALLY. A window fell on my head and the glass broke into pieces. And then, all of a sudden I was surrounded by the other teachers who quickly took me to the staff room.
‘Are you ok?’
‘OMG, do you want chips? Want anything to eat?’
Oh yeah, I made new friends. *laughs*

I am really sad while typing all of this, because summer school is now over and the attachment with the students has become really strong. By the grace of God, I was able to teach and He gave me the strength and patience to do so. I pray for these kids to be successful in life and achieve all their dreams making their parents and this country proud. Amen.
(TSKL is a branch of registered NGO, “House Of Dreams”, started by the students of Nixor College and an initiative that aims to educate as many Pakistanis as possible.)