Monday, April 30, 2012

Iris-Cover by Lylaa Shaikh and Haider Bakhtiari

Well, a few months back I performed in a gig in my college.
One hell of a crazy day it was. The day of the performance, I had an asthma attack and I was almost unable to sing. That same day, another singer lost his voice, and I had to accomodate for his song. Crazy, right?
All of us were freaking out, because what was meant to turn out to be amazing might just turn out to be something disastrous. Oh well. I had to suck in my whines, and deal with my asthma. My friend took me over to her place and made me nebulize until I wasnt okay. 

In the end that night did turn out to be an amazing one. :)
I performed a couple of songs, one of them being Iris which Haider Bakhtiari and I covered. Hope you enjoy it. Give in your feedback as well. 

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