At times its just so hard to realize that you were all the time living in a lie. Eventhough you know the truth, you want to ignore it. You run away from it. But it keeps coming back again and again and recurs in your mind. It kills you from the inside. It eats you. But you still won't want to believe it. Like nothing ever happened.
You keep living in a dream of lies.
In a world of fantasy, where your life is perfect. Where you're happy. Where everyone's there to love you, comfort you, and hold your hands. To stop you from falling apart. While you actually are, in the reality.
Mirabeau said: "Love has the power of making you believe what you would normally treat with the deepest suspicion."
How true he is, and how hurtful it is to accept this as the truth. Because we all know it. We all know we make believe everything, even when its wrong. When its only a LIE!
Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a teardrop. Another truth.
But who is there to argue? Somewhere, I know there are those who have suffered and suffered bad. And there are those who have moved on. But there are those to, who still cry. Who still weep in the middle of the night remembering those times they had once cherished.
But what can they do?
Because that's the way it is..
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