Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Ultimate Survival Tips-TCS Senior Girls Branch.

So, you're from The City School? Senior Girls Branch? Yes? Ok. PECHS? Yeah? Ahan. You're in for some fun then, no?

Well hey! I recently graduated from that branch and well.. being amongst the well known girl over there, I had gone through possibly the worst and best of my times! So here are a few tips for all of you, who're gonna be studying in this branch. (Its a matter of life and death I SWEAR), so I hope these tips come in handy. Oh and yeah, no offence to anyone. ;)

1. Got friends in Senior Boys? Ultimate no-no.

2. If you have a boyfriend, no need to flaunt to the world. People are gonna end up making rumours that you aren't a virgin anymore.

3. NEVER EVERRRR put a love song as your status. People might end up believing you're madly in love. (Even when you're not)

4. If you're one of the popular girls, get ready to be called a slut by the boys from Senior Boys when you reject their 'fraandship request'.

5. Don't be afraid of having too many fake IDs. Seriously. Those boys are just jealous they dont have sexy bodies like you.

6. Have a hate page against you? Its probably by your secret lesbian lover.

7. If every single thing on your Facebook profile is overrated-YOU ARE POPULAR.

8. Showing attitude with a whole lotta kajal applied will get you nowhere.

9. If you want to keep your principal happy, DANCE FOR HER. (Yes, I've been through this)

10. No need to display your group fights to the whole world. They probably don't care. So stop putting status' pointing other girls. You're just giving everyone something spicy to talk on.

11. Think you're too cool and burger? JUST STFU. You're from Senior Girls.

12. Wearing grey sweaters around your waist is SO out of fashion. Seriously, dont. Its a fashion crime.

13. DRAMA. Star plus, live show. Only at Senior Girls.

14. You'll be crying your two years to get out of this branch, but when you do, you're gonna be crying out to get back in. You'll miss it. Trust me. :)

15. Accounts and free periods are 2 great synonyms.

16. Hypocrisy is in everyones nature, nearly. Don't be like those.

17. We hate the PAFIAN girls. We call them manhus. YES WE DO. If you dont, you're a manhus.

18. Getting in the damn council needs good badges and expensive banners. Thats it.

19. A pillow and a blanky is a must for English classes.

20. If your seniors hate you, go and apologize. Make up to them. SERIOUSLY DO THAT. You'll become ultra cool. B)

21. Go to Senior Boys and get a song dedicated? Don't cry. Be calm. Breathe. And say, 'Thankyou bhaiyya' :D

22. WE ARE NEVER HAVING A FAREWELL WITH THE SENIOR BOYS! Seriously. Stop believing those freakin' rumours.

23. If you have a boyfriend from Senior Boys.. seriously? GET A LIFE.

24. Bonfire's are seriously the most awaited events. Get yourself a nice dress made a month before.

25. Never follow your farewell theme.

26. Nobody likes a bitch. BE NICE.

27. Being friends with juniors is nothing wrong. Go upto them, hug em. Those little kids need lurvvv.

28. Wear waterproof makeup on your farewell. Trust me, the video's gonna make your eyes bleed water.

29. If you're kicked out of another school for being caught making out, and then ending up in Senior Girls-People are ought to find out. *evil laugh*

30. Literally, your friendships are gonna be at stake, try to make it through.

31. After all, we're all a big happy family. :D

1 comment:

  1. speaks an experienced teacher! :p
    GOD save us from this torture academy!! :D
